Top 10 tips on how to write a great job advert Skip to main content

1. Define the role.

The hiring managers are the experts on role and what it takes to deliver the business’s objectives. Recruiters are the experts on the candidate and how they think. They are responsible for taking what the hiring manager knows about the position and translating that into a job posting that our candidates can understand. 

2. Beginning the Search: Why are job titles important? 

The candidate journey – Awareness → Consideration → Interest → Application → Selection→ Hire 

We are currently in a candidate led market. This means attention is at a premium  Almost every single job search starts with a candidate typing in a job title. They then tend to look at salary followed by location. The job title is in the recruiter’s control.

The basics –  • Keep it concise and clear. Job titles with 3-6 words perform best. • 35 characters or less (mobile experience)

  • Example Title: Senior C++ Engineer – GPU Database Engineering Team, Backend – London
  • Optimized Title: Senior C++ Engineer – GPU

The Search – How do I know that candidates will search for my job?

Put yourself in the shoes of the job seeker. What are they most likely to search for?  Arrange the words so that they flow grammatically in a way that someone would say the job title aloud. Easy-to-read job titles are more appealing to job seekers. Check your job title on indeed hiring insights Google Trends. Over 73% of job searches start on Google 

4. How To Turn A Job Description Into A Job Advert

Be concise –it should be an advert and our goal is to encourage good candidates to apply. The more complicated the wording, the more likely the candidate is to misunderstand the role or incorrectly choose to not progress with their application. Use “we” and “you” statements i.e. write as if the candidate already has the job. Use sentences such as “In this role you will perform the following tasks… The “we’ or “you” statement should always relate back to a skill, outcome and/or timeframe (i.e. years of experience) that you can easily and quickly verify in a CV.

Textio research (based across 500 million job descriptions) shows that the optimum length is between 300-660 words.  Keep to 5 bullet points for required skills. Once we have good quality applicants, we then have plenty of opportunities to explain the nuances of the role during the selection process. Provide your top 3-5 benefits (focus on selling points).

5. Communicate location information (Remote/Hybrid/Onsite) 

6. Display your salary range.

7. Talk about opportunities for growth 

8. Sell the company culture: Highlight the company culture and what makes your company a great place to work. This can include information about the company’s mission, values, and perks.

9. Provide details on the application process: Explain the application process and any specific requirements or deadlines for applying. Include instructions on how to apply and any documents or information that candidates need to submit.

10. Use inclusive language: Use inclusive language throughout the job ad to attract a diverse pool of candidates.